
WJRH sponsors a number of events every season, and you’re welcome to propose us ideas.

Lafayette organizations

We’re always happy to sponsor/co-sponsor events held at Lafayette College, hosted by departments and clubs/organizations. However, due to high demand, we have some policies in effect to make this process easier for both of us.

Kinds of events we’re likely to sponsor

  • Concerts / Coffeehouse
  • Acacemic events/talks
  • Related career panels
  • Lafayette traditions (Fall Fest, Block PArty etc.)
  • Other events that have music or broadcasting as a central theme

Kinds of events we don’t usually sponsor

  • “We just need a mic and a pair of speakers”
  • “Please play music on the quad while we do our own unrelated activity”
  • “Please give us money so that we can do our unrelated activity”
  • “Please spread the word about our unrelated activity to your members / disk jockeys”
  • Large events lacking other sponsors / credibility

Contacting us regarding events

Contact us as soon as possible but no later than 2 weeks before the planned event. We can help you think about and plan the event if you are not set on a date. Please contact the Events Director using your Lafayette email account with the following information.

  • Person in Charge
  • Datetime
  • Location (rain location)
  • Event description
  • General idea of your budget
  • What you expect from us

We will get back to you with additional questions. We meet on every Wednesday the school is in session. Expect a definite answer the following Wednesday.

If this is your first time seeking WJRH sponsorship, you can view an example letter.

We reserve the right to refuse sponsorship.

Community organizations

Community Events

Event though most of our Events work happens on campus, we welcome proposals to contribute to local community events. Previously, we have sponsored local concerts, performed at the Easton Farmer’s market.

Please email us details about your event no later than 3 weeks before the event. Note that we have drastically reduced staff over the summer.

Outside Media Organizations

We can help record phone interviews with faculty for broadcasting. Please email us details after confirming availability with factulty. Unfortunately we can’t facilitate introductions to anyone at Lafayette.


WJRH is Lafayette College’s student run radio station broadcasting since 1946. You can listen to us on 104.9MHz on the radio in the Lehigh Valley area. Our studios are located in Hogg Hall, on Lafayette College’s campus.