ZArchive: Various Breads and Butters
Released on Feb 12, 2018
Length: 00:51:45
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105: The Mayor is Here

Easton’s Mayor Sal Panto, Jr. is on the show. Believe it or not. The Mayor. We get a lot of local history, we hear about what it’s like mayoring, there’s some town-gown chatter about the college and the city, Simon has a pretty decent joke about silly putty somewhere a ways into it, and we do the usual stuff with 10-20-30 music, a quiz, Friday/Sunday, and the like. Listeners can then follow us on twitter @somelaterdate, like us on Fb, rate us on iTunes, and subscribe. And follow our guest too @sal_panto. Thanks to Michelle and Ben G. for producing and interning. Credit to Daft Punk and Pavarotti.


WJRH is Lafayette College’s student run radio station broadcasting since 1946. You can listen to us on 104.9MHz on the radio in the Lehigh Valley area. Our studios are located in Hogg Hall, on Lafayette College’s campus.