ZArchive: Various Breads and Butters
Released on Jan 30, 2017
Length: 00:49:59
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83: E=MC Awesome with Emily Musil Church

[recorded in December] From the XPrize to Lafayette College to West Africa to Philadelphia to a life devoted to human rights, global women’s issues, African history, and music and infectious joy, we talk to Dr. Emily Musil Church. There’s a quiz, there’s a Friday-Sunday question, there’s more good cheer and positivity than we usual have. And we need it. A note to listeners: this episode was recorded in December but thankfully available now for the respite of an optimism grounded in reality and good work.

The routine: follow us on twitter @somelaterdate, like us on Fb, listen to Spotify, rate us on iTunes, and subscribe. Thanks to Michelle for Producing, Ian for Fact Checking, and Will for Playlisting. Credit to G. Love and Nomadic Wax.


WJRH is Lafayette College’s student run radio station broadcasting since 1946. You can listen to us on 104.9MHz on the radio in the Lehigh Valley area. Our studios are located in Hogg Hall, on Lafayette College’s campus.