Jake and Owen talk about stuff and get into all kinds of shenanigans. They also play music sometimes.
We're still on Wednesdays, but we're on later now for some reason. Tune in at 11PM
This week the boys remember that they can add a description to their episodes. Tune in next week to see what else they remember!
It's spring break, and Jake isn't here today. It's Owen and Marissa's turn to play! Turn up w/ 2DAT!
This week the boys forget when Monday is and time travel to Wednesday by accident. Tune in next week to see if they can travel back, or if they're stuck forever! (With special guests James MacPherson of Bonsai Trees (https://open.spotify.com/artist/2p6h7fFpylLRoNicmIfvoh) and Abby!)
This week the boys try to figure out what the hell happened in 2016. Tune in next year to see if they can save the world and avoid disaster! (With returning special guest Gaby)
In this episode the boys wake up and smell the flowers, but discover that they really smell like something completely different. Tune in next week to see if their senses can fully recover! (With special guest Gaby)
This week the boys lose their minds and end up on a different continent. Tune in next week to find out if they gain any useful experience!
This week the boys get mad hyped. Tune in next week to see if they manage to calm themselves down.
This week the boys get upset and talk about heavy things, but the music is good so it's okay. Tune in next week to see them descend into utter madness! (With special guest Marissa)
This week the boys celebrate Halloween and things get pretty spoopy. Tune in next week to find out if they're scarred for life!
This week the boys drop a new track and it's fire. Tune in next week to see if they can handle the heat!
This week the boys find out what the kids are being subjected to. Tune in next week to see if they're able to overcome society's bad influences!
This week the boys rack up Jake's phone bill, but we go over by an hour and a half, and our songs get progressively longer as we do it, so everyone has a good time. Tune in next week to see what kind of deluxe nonsense ensues! (With special guest Rachna)
This week the boys follow the vibes and end up in some funky places. Tune in next week to see what they discover!
This week the boys travel through time and space, but only slightly. Tune in next week to see where they end up!
This week the boys say that they're not going to take requests, but by the time they get halfway into the show they've broken that rule twice. Tune in next week to see what other rules they break!