For the second time ever we have an actual bunch on the funky bunch
Hello, today you might see the end of the funky bunch, or you may not?
Today on the Funky Bunch we decipher the meaning of the DaVinci Code
A shocking twist in the Funky Bunch series, tune in to find out where this dramatic cliffhanger leaves off.
Hey guys Jordyn here make sure you tune in to this one because its particularly extravagant!
This bunch is packed with potential funk so I hope you enjoy!
This episode dives into a theme believe it or not. A theme! A theme of tunes that are not age appropriate, because they are too old!
This episode is truly the epitome of experimental sound. This bunch of tunes will surely defy your most thought provoking ideas.
This Bunch is truly a long time coming. 15 Bunches have came and passed and this is what you have been left with. Me. Jordyn. You are welcome.
Today the host brought in a stuffed pig, calling it Cornelius, to his show. He was so thrilled that he finally had a funky bunch, but we'll see if this pig sticks around because no one ever does.
Sometimes people questioned whether or not I actually had the ability to do my show, and to answer that obviously confusing remark I respond, yes I do have the ability no I am not sure where the Funky Bunch is but like a disappearing dream of yesterday we will search for them through the canyons and I pray we find them.
Yes it is true. I am back for the second week and I hope you have an appetite for music. But there is one question that remains unanswered, and today I will be answering that question. I will be delving into the depths of this mystery to retrieve the true solution, the one true answer. Listen, to, discover.
It has been far too long and I am sorry for that my righteous subscribers but here I am now and you were right for missing me because there is truly less amazing music in this world because I was not doing my show.
Today Jordyn finally returns after hundreds have wondered if this day would ever come and today it does, in the form of Funky and Bunch.
Some people question: ,"why Jordyn why did you decide to comeback with the Funky Bunch", others claim: "At least I don't hide my lack of friends by making up a group of people to host your show with even though you just host it alone." And these claims and questions made me think. Why did I come back, but then I realized, I must. It is my duty to the funky bunch to wait for them. And call to them once a week my show and play them the music they once loved. Like Mike in Stranger Things calling out to Eleven, every day. Love. And thats why the Funky Bunch has returned; For Good.
Although it is the last episode AKA the conclusion of Jordyn without his Funky Bunch we still can dive deep into the possibilities of the word Radio, and why it has the words Ray and Di and Oh inside of it. Very confusing, I hope you all understand.
I have no idea what this title has to do with the episode i'm sorry for these descriptions.
Today tune in to discover the true meaning of where all the bunches of funks went, someone please help.
Today we start searching for the lost funky bunch that appears will never be found. If we commit enough manpower, one day we will stumble upon the lost funky bunch that is oh so desired by today's society.
These Songs may or may not give you the goosebumps on your arms probably not your legs though unless you're in a cold room, because if you happen to be in a cold room then there will be a large chance of goosebumps on arms and legs.
Today we confirm whether or not bananas are fruits. We are bringing in hundreds of scientists from across the county to confirm this as fact or fiction. Tune in to tell your friends I listened to the radio show that confirmed Bananas to be vegetables.