Alt Rock Expedition
Released on Oct 15, 2020

October 15, 2020

It's been a few months, but we're back in the studio! And by the studio, I mean my apartment. Anyway, bear with me while I learn what all these new buttons do.

Track list

# Title Artist
1 Body Stacy Says
2 Ask Me Why The Gooch Palms
3 Cubensis Lenses Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
4 Daughter of Lucifer Saint Agnes
Kiss Me Aphrodite Oscar the Wild
My Friends The Dead Love
Get Smart The Belair Lip Bombs
Summer Savior The Flowers
X All Y Twelve Point Buck
One Armed Scissor At The Drive In

WJRH is Lafayette College’s student run radio station broadcasting since 1946. You can listen to us on 104.9MHz on the radio in the Lehigh Valley area. Our studios are located in Hogg Hall, on Lafayette College’s campus.